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Peace of Money

I worry about what people think of me. I try not to, but I do. If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you probably already know this. At the end of December 2016, I committed to publishing one blog post a week sharing our experience of taking the leap of faith to follow our dreams. I'm proud to say I've only missed that mark 3 times, but each week as I write I worry that you will think I'm self-absorbed. My intention is simply to inspire, offer hope and create a map of sorts so you or others might know what to expect should you decide to do the same. With that in mind, and in the name of Transparency, I'd like to take a step back this week and thank two people who have been a huge help to us on this journey.

Beth and Greg Hughes are unsung heroes in our story. I'll be honest, I haven't mentioned them before because I was concerned that you would get the wrong impression. Then I realized that's exactly why I should mention them! Beth & Greg are our financial advisors. I met Beth in a Meetup group I belonged to (the North Shore Women's Group) and knew she was a financial advisor, but never imagined I would use her services. For one thing, we didn't have any finances. For another, I thought we had to have finances just to afford her advice. Both are misconceptions. Beth, with her husband and business partner Greg, will meet with you at no charge to discuss your situation. If you don't have much in the way of finances now, they will help you create a plan to increase them for your future.

When Kevin and I made the decision in May 2016 to move to Chattanooga, we did so knowing that the standard of living was lower and we should be able to set aside some money after the sale of our house in Massachusetts. In June of 2016, we met with Beth and Greg for the first time. We went in hesitantly and armed with lots of questions. After all, we still didn't have any money - not until we closed on the sale of our house. They, in turn, had lots of questions for us about what we wanted to achieve. We chatted pleasantly for at least an hour while they described their philosophy and how they could help us reach our goals. Beth has an effervescent personality, and while Greg looks imposing (a former baseball player over 6 feet tall and muscular) he's actually a teddy bear. To our utter surprise, we left feeling hopeful and empowered, rather than abused and embarrassed. We met with Beth and Greg several more times before we actually moved and never paid them a cent. And because it was such a great experience, my mom, a child of the Depression era, decided to put her trust in them as well.

Kevin and I still would have moved even if we hadn't engaged Beth and Greg's services, but we wouldn't have a solid foundation to build our new lives on. Now we know exactly what we have to work with. We have some money that is accessible should we need it and other funds that are protected for the long term. While we're still trying to earn a living from our passions, I feel confident that we won't go bankrupt and that peace of mind is priceless.

Whether you are young, old, rich or poor, I strongly encourage you to talk to Beth and Greg (email: hughesconsulting at, or any financial advisor. I wish we had done it sooner!

*** If you'd like more information about Beth & Greg's, post a comment below or send me an email.  I believe they can work with you regardless of where you live.


I'd love to share with you my most recent paintings and mountain views on Instagram.  Also, please see my website for new prints and paintings available in my store or to commission a painting or pet portrait as a gift for yourself or a friend.  Another way to connect and share the love!



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